The Rose Line - Book Excerpt - New Chapter

My grandmother and stepmother were avid gardeners, which got my sister and I interested in gardening. While staying with my sister in Outback Australia recently we did some rose gardening together. My sister’s avid rose gardening is locally famous and we decided to propagate some new roses for my sister’s motor inn, The Starline Motor Inn in Miles, Queensland.

Propagating roses was a new learning experience for me and an eye opener symbolically.   To trim a rose stalk for replanting - count 5 nodes down and cut on a 45 degree angle.  The rose and the number five are connected to Mary Magdalene and to secret societies. 

Five is also the number of points in a classical star and pentagram, which represents the star Venus.   A Biblical Flood ancestor of Mary Magdalene and Jesus Venus was deified as a Goddess, ancient saint, for her efforts to repopulate humanity after the Biblical Flood. 

The number 45 is also coded in allegory. 4 plus 5 equals 9, which is 3 times 3.  The number 3 represents the Holy Trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost  Three is also the number of children Mary Magdalene had with Jesus, 2 sons and a daughter.  

The rose is probably the most enigmatic of flowers in literature, usually full of symbolism of love and romance, but also an important symbol in the Holy Grail legends.   The rose is one of the symbols of Mary Magdalene and there is some reality and some fiction to the connection. 

"I am the Rose of Sharon, and the Lily of the Valley;
As the lily among the thorns, so is my love among the daughters;
As the apple tree, the apple tree among the trees of the wood,
So is my beloved among the sons,”
First published in English in 1611 in the King James Version of the Bible, Song of Songs, chapter 2, verse 1. Words of the Beloved, aka the words spoken to Jesus by Mary Magdalene. 

In this except from the Bible’s New Testament we see the apple, which is a symbol for ancient England, because that is where apples original come from. The apple is a species of rose. This opens up a whole lot of other research wanderings about where Eden really was and different ways to find it, but that’s in another chapter.   The words also talk about Mary Magdalene having daughters and sons or descendants. 

The rose of Mary Magdalene symbology is often connected to tears, though not the tears of Mary Magdalene as popularly believed, but the tears of later saints. Saints are often martyrs and usually supposed to be descended from the Rose line, the children of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. At least in the early centuries of Christianity they were, which is a Vatican secret.  Now sainthoods are given to anybody, due to public pressure from a public who is uneducated on what or who saints really are.

The "Rose Line” of the French Holy Grail legends is the bloodline of Jesus Christ with Mary Magdalene.  Through the centuries this previously publicly recognized bloodline has come to produce some famous French Crusader kings.  King Baldwin I was one of the leaders of the Crusades then chosen to be king of Jerusalem after his brother of Godfrey de Bouillon died.  After Baldwin passed away in 1118 AD, another third brother, Eustace III, was elected to be king, but usurped by their nephew, Baldwin ii, with the aid of Crusader knights. 

One version of the rose and Mary Magdalene connection is possibly because some of Mary Magdalene’s ancient ancestry is in England. The official flower of England has been the rose at least since the “War of the Roses” in the 1400s AD.   The War of the roses was between two lines of royal descendants from Mary Magdalene and Jesus.  The Tudor rose can be seen today in classical architecture and furniture motifs. 

In the faith I was brought up in, Church of England a very ancient royal church, praying to an idol or avatar or anybody but God is sacrilegious. So delving into saints has been a bit more objective for me than for a person of Catholic faith. The first ever Christian church was founded in England by Joses, one of the sons of Mary Magdalene and Jesus, along with Joseph of Arimathea.  From a French royal secret society source, for another chapter.

The Rose of the Magdalene is also called “The Rose of Israel” and “The Rose of Jerusalem”.  This is because the historical Mary Magdalene was a royal in the region now called Jerusalem, and Jewish by politics only and not Jewish by ancestry or upbringing.  The Jewish recasting and reinterpretation of the Bible is a very modern work, since around WWI. It was to politically ease-in the annexing of Palestine for the Zionist movement. Most publishing houses at that time were also owned by people of Jewish faith.  It only takes one generation to forget.

Generational forgetting can have dire consequences.  Rather than a reality based faith and just believe in God we have faith based on   fantasies, which has led people to create more fantasies and faiths based on those.  The people don’t know what is reality, making the people vulnerable to fantasy faiths taking advantage of them. This also makes people helpless, frozen in a yoga position fearing to move.  They believe that some entity will fix everything or UFO will beam them up, or the “vibes” or another person is sabotaging them.  Instead of getting off the meditation mat and fixing the problem themselves.

In Walt Disney's animation of Sleeping Beauty we see a lot of rose symbology, as well as the analogy of the Sleeper Awakening. Walt was a member of a Rosicrucian order, the Ancient Mystical Order of the Rosae Crusis, AKA the Order of the Rose Cross.  What some call an occult secret society, but in reality are keepers of ancient lost histories. 

More fiction to note is Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code and it’s Rose Line - to quote Wikipedia - “Rose Line is a fictional name given to the Paris Meridian and to the sunlight line defining the exact time of Easter on the Gnomon of Saint-Sulpice, marked by a brass strip on the floor of the church, where the two are conflated, by Dan Brown in his 2003 novel The Da Vinci Code.[1] Brown based this on material found in the Priory of Sion documents of the 1960s, where neither the Zero Meridian nor the sunlight line in St Sulpice are called Rose Line.”

The reality is that God is God and anybody else is a fantasy avatar created from royal customs and literary constructs. The rose is telling us that Mary Magdalene and Jesus and others we today call “Gods and Goddesses” were all once real living people.  They were deified as God avatars, because they were high ranking royals, not because they were actually from other worlds or had superpowers. Poor Jewish nobodies were not deified or revered, especially not by Roman and European Imperial royalty for centuries on end.  For that matter Jesus and Mary Magdalene are not revered by people of Jewish faith either.

Because of the French and Russian Revolutions and more recent wars, a lot of history got lost and people in generational post traumatic stress stopped believing in reality.  Real royals living in palaces with ministers to do their bidding became people living in mud huts and rags with winged angel beings flying around them.  People imaging they are Jesus or Mary Magdalene and taking other people’s money for it or letting life slide.

No political or religious side is right or wrong in these issues, because all have been sleeping in a mist of generational forgetfulness. Only when they wake up and remember reality will they be able to make wise choices for the good of all the world.

The rose, to me, tells us to remember reality and deal with life. 

Photo shot in Haight Ashbury San Francisco, September 2017 Pink represents the heart chakra in Hindu mysticism. To remember our heart.

Text and photo by Deborah Hodgson, October 2017   Check out the books and e-tours available and the new ONLINE SHOP with fun gifts, fashion, and homewares for him and her and the kids and pets at

Stay at the Starline Motor Inn in Miles Queensland Australia
