The Bonnie Prince of Egypt?


Christ the King given the Honours of Scotland was commissioned by Father Michael Mary from the monastery island in Papa Stronsay, the Orkney Isles, in Scotland.  

If We Read It In Symbols

The Fleur de Lis goes back to ancient Sumer and down through ancient Egypt and the French, and some other monarchies, to present day. The Fleur de Lis can also be found in ancient Mayan art. 

Bagpipes and kilts can be found in ancient Egyptian paintings. Kilts and bagpipes came from Egypt to Scotland and Ireland around 1500 BC. The ancient story goes that Queen Scotia brought them when she escaped some catastrophe. Marrying a local king for protection and a home. Her grave was New Grange in Ireland. 

Tassels are from Egypt. Tutankhamen was a big fan of tassels. His body was unearthed wearing a necklace of tassels. Islamic people also wear and carry tassels as talismans to ward off evil. 

Pearls are a symbol of Mary Magdalene, but also of Cleopatra VII of Egypt. The famous Cleopatra. She made a wager with Marc Antony that she could host the most expensive banquet in history. As told by Pliny the Elder, Cleopatra pulled out two huge pearl earrings and dissolved one in vinegar and drank it. Offering the other earring to Marc Antony, who declined. The value of the pearls in 2023 is roughly $28.5 million USA. A record never beaten, even in 2024.

Linen is also Egyptian. Archaeologists have found linen cloth in Egypt dating back to 5000 B.C. Linen cloth is made from the flax plant, which grew along the Nile.

Lions have been sacred symbols of Egypt since before known history. The great sphinx for example. Lioness goddess Sekhmet is a common deity in Egyptian antiquities collections. Sekhmet was a Goddess of warriors and medicine. 

Judea was a territory of Egypt and Rome at the time of Christ.  CleopatraVII owned a luxury perfume factory Judea. The famous Cleopatra.

Ptolemy II translated 70 pages of the Torah into Greek in Alexandria. The Jewish people in Judea then spoke Greek, not Hebrew. Ptolemy II is an ancestor of Cleopatra VII, the famous Cleopatra. 

More Cleopatra and Da Vinci Code mysteries here 
