Cleopatra's Tomb Not In Egypt?

Ptolemaic Queen - Met Museum

Academic organizations and TV channels have funded many archeologists many millions of dollars and  teams. All bets on finding Cleopatra’s Tomb in Egypt. They will hate this and want their money back, sorry! 

It’s not the archeologists’ fault. It’s the fault of 20th century redaction for politics and ideology. By the 21st century, three generations have forgotten the original versions of histories. It only takes one generation to forget. The fake version now ingrained and  archeologists left between a rock and a hard place. Archeologists must to try to prove the 20th century narrative and they can’t. What they can’t prove, or have redacted, they call myth or a mystery. 

The 20th century narrative of Cleopatra and her death are from licensed. Hollywood writers. There are no original records in the Middle East of Cleopatra’ VII death and burial. This from various earthquakes destroying Alexandria and Heracles. Yet she'd still be recorded by Rome. The most respected contemporary historian of the era is Flavius Josephus. His, and others', books on Cleopatra are mysteriously missing. The most scandalous woman of their day! 

Politics 20 centuries ago was’t movies, war games or fantasy novels. Rome and Egypt were far from being enemies. Rome needed Cleopatra and her power over Egypt for grain to feed the Roman Empire. As well as her family's tin mines in the UK and Ireland. Cleopatra needed Rome’s military to protect her people and the Egyptian empire. Most peripheral countries needed both.

Cleopatra and Domitian were at odds for personal reasons. The point of contention were her children. Her son, Cesarian with Julius Caesar, and her daughter and two sons with Mark Anthony. Twin brother and sister and a younger son. 

Cesarian was heir to both Egypt and Rome through his parents, Cleopatra VII and Julius Caesar. As a legitimate ruler of Egypt, and his parents losing a war to Rome, his loyalties were in question. An heir to a ruler of Rome with loyalties in question was out of the question.

Cesarian’s younger sister and brothers owned Languedoc in the South of France. A wealthy resort region for its thermal springs and prehistoric cave paintings. The ancients appreciated and strived to conserve archeology and history.  Languedoc was had been part of the Egyptian Empire. 20 Centuries ago it was part of the Roman Empire. 

While interim emperor, Mark Anthony returned Languedoc to Egypt and his children with Cleopatra. A ceremonial event recorded as the “The Donations of Alexandria.” Egypt also had very ancient, thousands of years, relations with the UK and Ireland for tin. Used in alloys for Egyptian coins, tools and utensils. 

Cleopatra and her children would have gone to school in England, as was the tradition. And is still the tradition in the 21st century. Rulers of many countries and empires sent their royal children to learn under the Druids. Julius Caesar also spent time with the Druids and admired them. 

Celebrities have faked their deaths to escape the spotlight since before recorded history. Even in our contemporary times. Princess Diana, John Lennon and Jeffrey Epstein are among the notables. Cleopatra VII and Mark Anthony had contacts and real estate in other countries.

If you were Cleopatra and Mark Anthony, what would you do? Especially if you had plenty of warning to preplan and rehearse an escape route. Cleopatra’s people would have insisted on it, even by force. The same as done for politicians 2000 years later. 

Normal rulers don’t like blood on their hands. Especially the blood of royals! Royals around the world are all related. Royals are also responsible for saving humanity over and over. Teaching them how to grow and store food, make tools, medicines. To bath and stay warm and other necessities. Royals invented the hospitals, social services, plumbing and sanitation you enjoy.

Domitian could’ve likely made a deal with Cleopatra and Mark Anthony. “Retire, change your names and disappear. Your children can keep their royal status. They can marry other royals and be rulers in their own right.” Normal sane rulers didn’t and still don’t like killing people, unlike Hollywood movies and games. And Domitian stuck to his word. 

Killing blood royals brings on serious ancient curses, bad juju and horrible Karma. Not only from royals’ ancient ancestors! Also from the people who loved their rulers as her people loved Cleopatra VII. What people of what country wouldn’t love her. A ruler who seduces and has babies with other rulers to protect her people and their culture?  Egyptians are especially good at deadly curses, as we’ve seen from Pharaoh Tut’s tomb. Two thousand years ago the whole wold was Pagan and people raised from children to believe in curses

Egyptians sought immortality. Immortality comes in many forms. Including not least, thoughts, songs, monuments, temples, churches, body relics, books and stories. Egyptian and European tombs are full of them. Ruling royals also had different names in different languages. 

The next quandary is what were Cleopatra’s and Mark Anthony’s names changed to. And were their names changed again after that? What is folklore? A grain of truth in a myth! Which extends Cleopatra’s story into a few other layers and real life realities and other countries’ histories.

If finding Cleopatra’s tomb was a horse race, where would you bet on? England, Ireland, Scotland, France or Egypt or somewhere else? My bet is not Egypt, sorry! Get Netflix, Gaia and universities to stop copying movies and games. And to expand their historical research holistically. Real life is way more interesting. Archeology is important, but only part of the story. 

The moral tale is not everything is written in stone… 

Digging deeper on the cross referencing, Cleopatra’s story gets even more interesting and controversial. With possible Bible connections!

Photos: Met Museum New York, Royal Ontario Museum Canada, Legion of Honor Museum San Francisco, USA. 

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