Was The New Testament Lifted From Egyptian Mythology


Christ Arguing With The Doctors by Duccio di Buoninse. Tempura on wood, early 14th Century. Christ is in the background talking to the doctors in the foreground, but facing towards Virgin Mary and Joseph. Virgin Mary and Joseph are to the left looking up. When we flatten out the image they are looking up at three Egyptian fans and three Greco Roman arches. Christ and his two siblings. Cleopatra VII, the famous Cleopatra, children were Greek on Cleopatra's side and Roman on Mark Anthony's side. 

One of Isis’ titles was “Virgin Goddess.” In her human history she was a survivor of the Great Flood and gave other survivors grain and taught them how to grow food. That is why she was deified and worshipped as a Goddess by the Egyptians. The same as Catholic Saints are memorialized today.  “In every myth is a grain of truth.”

The Greeks called Isis Aphrodite. Romans called Isis Venus. All three rose from the water. Isis is called the Goddess of Love because she saved the royal family from incest. By taking her royal ladies out to breed with non-royals. After that, brother sister, parent child etc marriages were ceremonial. It was done up until the Renaissance. How else would royals have survived for thousands of years? (So get your heads out of the gutter!)

Old churches and Catholic liturgy have Egyptian and Greek symbols and liturgy, not Jewish. Such as the Ankh, which is a symbol of Isis. Virgin May and Mary Magdalene sometimes wear a looped knot around their dresses. Like a half bow. Da Vinci Coders call it a marriage knot, but it is not a marriage knot, nor Jewish. It is older and Egyptian and called the Knot of Isis, because it is similar to an Ank. 

Mary Magdalene by Andrea Solario, 16th century, North Italy

Where in the original Bible does it actually say Jesus was Jewish? According to Catholicism, his name was’t Jesus. It was symbols ITHS and Chi Rho. The first two letters of the Greek word Christòs, Χριστῷ, meaning "Christ" or "Anointed.” Both as a saint and as a King. Two millennia ago a man couldn’t be called “Anointed” unless he was an actual anointed King. 

The earliest Bible was written in Egyptian Coptic, Greek and Latin. The name Jesus and the letter J were invented for the King James Bible to be printed enmass for ordinary people. Because Tyndale and Co didn’t want a symbol for only one man. This was in the time of the Reformation. Making Jewish versions of His name, such as Jesus and Yeshua and the like, all genuine fakes. 

A century or so ago Christian priests were very well educated and knew all this stuff. Then education went down hill enmass. Jewish new-age Jesus only came about in the 20th century and media for the masses. It’s traditional in Jewish culture to adopt other peoples’ heroes. Who’s owned mass media for the past century? It only takes one generation to forget. 

The First Commandment tells us not not believe in the word of Man. To believe in God and not the Book. To separate new-age belief from practical reality. God, or who or what God is, isn’t in a book nor a Hollywood blockbuster nor anti monarchist rant nor in the Da Vinci Code. 

God is inside us! 

My new ebook, 

Goddess Prophet Soldier King

Were Cleopatra, King Arthur and Christ connected? 

An usual journey through piecing obscure bits of history, 

art, archeology and a few other ologies. 


  1. Have you seen Egyptian symbology in Christian art and churches?


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