Bears in Stone and Secrets

This photo of a stone relief from England was posted to a discussion group recently and a few people and myself attempted to decode it.  Some people focused on decoding the lettering, others the geometry.

Original post and photos from Gino Oliviero “The problem with Trebha Cooper, is that he has a fantasy so vivid that even when he finds something interesting, nobody believes him. As a resident philologist of Val Wineyard Publishing, anytime someone asks “what is written there?” I feel a compulsive instinct to solve the problem. In the picture I can clearly read “T “, then a shield with two squares as word divider and “sponsam” with a damaged “a”. In another picture I could read “Tecum” (with you). Of course it is latin and sponsam is “bride” in the object case (grammatically). So the […]T belongs probably to a verb in the third person, likely “amat” (loves). So very likely the sentence is “Sponsus amat sponsam” (the groom loves the bride). After a little search, I found that I was right and all the sentences carved in the stones around the church of Mary Magdalene in Launceston appear in the Topographical Dictionary of England at the entry “Launceston”. The interesting fact is that the church was built in 1540 by Sir Henry Trecarrell Knight (sic!). If anyone needs the complete Dictionary entry can write me privately.”

Trebha Cooper: As i keep telling you my evidence is in art lterature stone and sacred geometry, which is all Pythagorean, my evidence is irrefutable, that is how i found this church in Launceston, by measurement.  Here the sacred geometry reveals the name GRAAL, THIS IS FOR INITIATES BECAUSE THE CHURCH AT RLC, Rennes Les Chateau, IS THE TREASURE OF CLUES TEMPLE.

Trebha Cooper: Here is more evidence, there are two Pythagorean triangles and they spell out two names,,, Gar and Lam,,, now these are Irish names hidden from the profane, they mean hand and thigh,, this is Pythogarean.


‪Sally Jacobs‬:  "It spells out in Latin ‘Hail, Mary, full of grace! The Lord be with thee. The bridegroom loves the bride. Mary hath chosen the best part. O, how terrible and fearful is this place! Truly this is no other than the house of God and the gate of Heaven."

Cyndi Wallace-Murphy‬ (Wife of researcher and author Tim Wallace Murphy):  "All I see is Tecvm at the moment."

But what I zoned in on was the first picture and the top row of bears. It startled me as I'd just completed an extensive block of research on legends that Jesus was a progenitor of those tribes.  The Ainu tribes are around 2000 years old and have unusual traits that can be tracked back to the era and locations of Jesus. They also have European genetics and physical features. I asked a grandmaster I knew who was also in the group if the stone relief could be a genealogical tree and received some interesting answers.

Me: Archangel Michael in runes, and a bear tribe (a tribe that sacrifices bears.) Last known bear tribe was Ainu, Siberia and China and Japan. Some many get what this means, yes? It is a genealogy tree of tribes telling us where the tribes went. The bottom row are probably royals and saints. Probably descendants of the Holy Family. Above those are the various tribes the descendants created. Is this roughly correct ‪Duncan Burden‬? What are the other rows above and below and when was this stone carved? From there maybe can track more.

‪Duncan Burden‬: ‪I am sorry, I am at a loss a little. I have read through this thread, and can't see either point. Perhaps I have missed pre-cursor to this thread. I should clarify, that I think often that we each have a specific field of knowledge or passion, and we think the answer is in our field and not in others, when possibly the answer is in a mixture. Most classical encryption relied on the audience knowing the Seven Liberal Arts and Sciences, of the Trivium and (normally) just one of the Quadrivium. For this I try not to ignore Trebha's work out of hand, as Geometry is one of the Quadrivium, and Pythagorus would be a character that appears regularly in all the Quadrivium subjects. BUT and its a big 'but' (not butt), I think, with respect, Trebha makes the incorrect assumption that due to Pythagorus being referring to so often, that this ancient Greek is the key, and that all this is to do with a single character. This is highly unlikely to be correct, as much references to Pythagorean concepts from classical education is actually from Pythagorean 'schools' established under his ideas, and not under his direct tutorage or discoveries. Then, saying this, there is the most important Trivium, the understanding of language, even symbolic language, for a person to understand that dialect they would need to appreciate the dialect, I am not a follower/student of Grail dynasties, so could not comment on that, but if lingustic parallels could be drawn from such engravings, then it could be possible. For a personal note, the strongest argument of anything akin to a Grail dynasty, in my ignorant opinion, was put forth by Hugh Montgomery. Whether that is from a real divine descendance, or a instilled faith in such a descendence, is the subject of debate. If this lineage is THE Grail or A Grail, is of equal debate.

Me:‬ Sorry ‪Duncan Burden‬ I wasn't meaning for you to confirm a Grail dynasty. Instead that the design is in effect a like a genealogy tree... from a Masonic, masonry arts, or symbolic design perspective. I tend to read the symbology in a kind of allegorical shorthand these days. Then fill in the rest as I go back and cross reference. It can seem a little weird.

‪Duncan Burden‬: My apologies for misunderstanding. Then, yes, if each symbol could equally reflect a known quality to a family's genealogy, and considering the central theme of 'marriage', then it would seem probable that the collective engraving could be a family tree. It would also be in-keeping with the funding of building a church, as it would be a sign of respect not just to God, but also to the heritage of the family paying for it, so to combine both would almost be expected. Yet, I would have to rely on someone elses assurance of an equal value of descriptive for each symbol, as it is this factor that would give the assurance. Its the age of requirement of encryption - it is not just the act of hiding something, but hiding it in a fashion that it could be found by an intended party, as such, if an encryption exists then a single key value would be used to decrypt it, as the key not only solves the puzzle, but also gives the assurance to the reader that they have the right and intentional answer.

Me: Very cool, thank you.  The keys I find in different things. Sometimes it just comes to me, like memories from odds and ends of information. The key so far to this one is the bear, at least for that part of the tribe. Just that one section spans many centuries and many countries. I'm finding more and more the story is coded into design itself, these days without the creator of the design knowing it. Amazing and weird.

‪Duncan Burden:‬ I can appreciate that, especially with your reference to 'without the creator of the design knowing it'. Often a really powerful 'symbol' gains more signifcance than the thing is was originally meant to represent. For me, that is how I see the word 'Grail', that its signifcance grew to beyond its own symbolic reference and became real - if that makes sense. Thus, writers and artists, depending on what they have been taught, or believe, inadvertantly extend on existing values of a symbol without really knowing it. Does that make sense? So sounded like a ramble....more than likely was lol.

Me: No not rambling. Visualize a bunch of symbols flying around, picked up from research all over the place. Then some symbols connect and as they connect they fall together into a story. When I go back to research or cross reference, or check with a mentor, they make sense. Spookily so. Piece by piece the story comes together. I now have to be careful walking around else bump into things, as I see the story everywhere in design.