Erotic Christian Art by an Olympic Games Medalist


These are my original writings, this site has been hacked.

Did you know that the 1948 London Olympics section had a segment for art? The winner of the silver medal for etching (print from acid etched metal plate) Was lithographer John Copley. John was the oldest winner at 73 years of age.

This picture is not His Olympic winner purpose Does it say something else That Makes a controversial statement. It exemplified His skill as a draftsman and his talent as an artist, and his knowledge of secret and sacred stories and Their symbolism. This is a short excerpt from the book I'm working Currently it has about coded collection of art at the Legion of Honor Museum, here in San Francisco. The works are in the vaults, not on display, most have never shown in public. 

Codes, Symbols, and Meanings
Jesus is Intensely Focused on the woman wiping His Feet with her hair.
Jesus sits on a chair That shows only three legs, a symbol of marriage.
Mary Magdalene is  by the oil bottle on the table and urn off by her feet.
Mary Above the fold in the cloth and shadow looks like a child Both and a vagina. Server in the background holds a platter, a symbol for John the Baptist, His Head. Mary's garment is torn, a tradition for a woman Who has-been Recently widowed.Mary is prostrate before her Lord, a posture of submission by a Queen for her King.

This moody szene and leaves nothing at the time Sami everything to the imagination. Jesus' intense focus is Mary Magdalene lying HAD His Feet. Her dress torn to the just below her buttocks raised, clear symbolism to anybody Who has Experienced sexual passion. The intimate relationship entre em is visible and palpable as if the whole picture and paper is the picture we are sex. The skill of the artist to capture a realistic emotional moment HAS decoded the image for us. 

 More art and interpretations from --other museums and mediums Heart emoticon  Deborah Hodgson, Author and Researcher and writer of this blog, San Francisco, USA.

Translation by  Laurence Elem  to French, la même morning in France.
"Codes, Symbols and Meanings
Jesus is intensely focused on the woman wiping his feet with her hair (hair). Jesus is sitting on a chair (chair) which shows only three legs, a wedding symbol. Mary Magdawene oil is identified by the bottle on the table and the large urn by his feet. Above the fold Mary and shade in the fabric look like a child as a vagina. The server maintains the background a plate, a symbol for John the Baptist, his head (head). The garment of Mary is torn, a tradition for a woman who was recently widowed. Mary is prostrate before his lord (lord), a submissive position by a king for his queen, or a woman to her new husband.
This scene moody leaves (leaves) nothing and yet everything to the imagination. The intense focus of Jesus Mary Magdalene had located his feet. The garment of Mary is torn, a tradition for a woman who was recently widowed. Mary is prostrate before his lord, a submissive position by a king for his queen, or a woman to her new husband.
This scene moody leaves nothing and yet everything to the imagination. The intense focus of Jesus is Mary Magdalene was lying his feet. Her torn dress just below his buttocks augmented, clear symbolism to someone who has experienced sexual passion. The intimate relationship between them is visible and palpable as if the whole image and the paper on which the image is sex. The jurisdiction of the artist to capture a realistic emotional moment for us decoded image. "

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