Great Art of Light and Shadow

Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrae  - The Great Art of Light and Shadow

Image recently sent to me by a modern Cathari for decoding. 

Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrae  - The Great Art of Light and Shadow

Image recently sent to me by a modern Cathari for decoding. 

Frontispiece: 'Ars Magna Lucis et Umbrae'

"Angels form an arc under the central light, which is YHWH, the Hebrew letters for God. Daylight is the source of direct light, refracted light, and light reflected by night (on right). Divine authority, a hand writing a book that absorbs light directly from the source of all light, oversees the daylight, and it is a little higher than Reason, the hand writing a book above the night, which receives a more modest eye's light. Below daylight is Profane Authority, which receives only a lantern's light; below Reason is Sense, which points to an image produced by a telescope. Emperor Ferdinand enters the picture as one of Kircher's patrons."  Source Jesuit Magazine.

 Some of the symbols are astrological, star signs, which is a code to decode the Bible and some of the timelines. It can also decode to people in history books. Such as early saints and families, and locations for cartographers. The woman is Mary Magdalene his spouse. Depicted as Venus Diana to his Apollo Endymion.  In the reflection symbology it is saying that some of her actions got attributed to Jesus. For example the water into wine trick would have been from ewers owned by her family.  The actual ewers are in history books. Like a beacon saying here is the truth if you dare to look at it. 

The letter V hidden in a cave under Mary Magdalene in a cave, alluding to a grave. But also the letter V is for Veronica and her veil. Veronica being another name for the historical Mary Magdalene. Monarchs receive different names, according to different titles they inherit.  A veil's usual symbolism means secrecy. Things hidden and religious of "taking the veil", being a nun or temple priestess. 

 It also says the true identity of Jesus is either hidden or will get hidden in the future.  More people knew the truth before mid-20th century.  Forget about the Jewish version. That got added later for political ritual, they were not actually Jewish.  Outsiders can't know or understand a family's culture .  

The bigger message is the First Commandment of the Bible.  The work’s title, “The Great Art of Light and Shadow”, alluding to false gods. 

At the top is the “Word of God” with angels look up up at it.  It’s location at the top is to do with the First Commandment “Thou shalt worship no other gods before me.”   It means that Jesus and the saints are “other gods” and to worship them breaks the First Commandment.  This is what the Church of England’s splitting from the Catholic Church was about.  

This is why Jesus and Mary Magdalene are below the “Word of God”, in this image . The are being depicted as “Other gods. This is not to worship them, but to put them into context of “Other gods” and God as God.  In a round about way it is saying that Jesus was a mortal man and his godhood was a myth created by mortals. 

The angels looking up at the “Word of God” is saying that old world royals know the truth. Old world royals are the angels of the Bible. All deified and revered as mythical like and the Bible stories are folklore.. The wings are a new age addition, because of a misinterpretation of symbols.. 

Underneath the feet of Jesus is a double eagle and Mary Magdalene a double peacock.  These are symbols of imperial royalty in the West and the East. Their older meanings are lightening bolts, AKA standing on power.   This image is saying that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were both emperors of equal rank in power. Her maybe more.  They ruled multiple countries. Mary Magdalene in particular had vast resources to work with. 

Mary Magdalene is partly in shadows and reflecting the light of her stars to Jesus. Saying that she was behind Jesus’s deification.  The historical Mary Magdalene was wealthier and held more real estate than Jesus. Her wedding dowery was in gold and silks worth millions of dollars by 21st century standards. 

A multi-trillionaire from the gold and farming of whole countries. Magdalene was able to sponsor temples and priests to deify her family and loved ones. As was imperial tradition back then.  Mary Magdalene anointing Jesus in the Bible. Her jar of expensive oil represents her sponsoring his deification. 

Mary Magdalene covered in stars and the Egyptian Goddess Isis is Goddess of the stars. Syncretizing Mary Magdalene to Egypt. Who deified their rulers as avatars of earlier royals deified.  This is how we can tell the woman in the image is Mary Magdalene.  In modern day we call deification giving somebody a “sainthood.” Making them a saint that people dedicate churches to.  This is dates back to imperialistic ancestor worship and deification of royalty.  Worshipping “Other gods” before God and breaking the First Commandment. 

The Ars Magna is a very interesting image. It also says Jesus was a Roman citizen and married. The stories about him are reflections of stories of gods and goddesses through the ages.  Zoom out and we see a cross made from the reflected light. A clue to both the name of the historical Jesus and crosses out the mythology. 

In the background in the Roman gardens is an arch. Another clue to the historical Jesus and the whereabouts of his actual tomb. Plus a symbol for one of his sons with the historical Mary Magdalene.

I’d like to know more about the symbols on Jesus' feet.  They are familiar, but can't quite place them. If anybody would like to contribute please comment. 

In the background in the Roman gardens is an arch, another clue to the historical Jesus and the whereabouts of his actual tomb. Plus a symbol for one of his sons with the historical Mary Magdalene.

I’d be interested to find out more about the symbols on Jesus' feet.  They are familiar, but can't quite place them. If anybody would like to contribute please comment.  

And reminder of my new book Coded History Haight Ashbury, a kind of advanced workshop course on decoding symbols and the Holy Grail story,  out now click here

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